Manage content categories

Content elements can be divided into content categories so that they can be referenced separately, for example: You can manage the corresponding categories as you wish here; the content is divided up in the frontend for the corresponding content elements under the FastEditor under "Advanced Settings".

This function is available in the following packages:

wisy base

wisy advanced

wisy pro

wisy expert




Here you can view, edit and delete the existing categories or define the default category.


Create/edit content categories

Enter the name of the category here. This can be displayed on the website and will be displayed in FastEdit.

Enter a description here if desired. This will be displayed to the editor when editing.

Select a content template file if required.

Only wildcards editable
Select whether a user should be able to modify only wildcards that may be used, or whether full FastEdit options should be available, for content items assigned to this category.

Specifies whether the assigned elements should be enabled for auto-preview. Whether this is possible depends on the complexity of the templates.

Show on website.
For content elements, you can specify in the Advanced settings whether or not the content categories to which the element has been assigned should be shown on the website. If you never want this category to be displayed, click "No" here.


Delete content categories

Confirm the prompt if you want to delete the record or deny if you do not.


Manage custom content wildcards

Content wildcards are used in content element templates to give users options for modifying content element
properties. These can be background images, text colors or fonts, for example.

It is also possible to create content elements with fixed output/predefined content elements.
i.e. the editorial user can enter here e.g. only a text and an image, but has no more full FastEdit possibilities.


This displays the name of the content wildcard. Only one spelling is allowed.

The optional description of the wildcard can include notes for editors.

Indicates what type of wildcard is present.

wisy CMS Button EditEdit your own content wildcard
wisy CMS Button Delete Delete own content wildcard


Create/edit custom content wildcards

Enter the name of the wildcard here. The name must follow a certain scheme, which is automatically modified by the system.

Enter a description here if desired. This will be displayed to the editor when editing.

Default value
Which value should be used by default if there is no other setting?

Should the wildcard be displayed or interpreted at all?


Delete own content wildcard

Confirm the prompt if you want to delete the record or deny if you do not.