Manage videos

Here you can upload videos and define certain settings for the videos. wisy does not have the ability to convert videos directly, so you need to specify the correct format. Native *.flv files and *.mp4 files are supported. It is recommended to offer the newer *.mp4 format, as this is also compatible with Apple devices (e.g. the iPad).

This function is available in the following packages:

wisy base

wisy advanced

wisy pro

wisy expert


Please refer to the description in the upload section for the maximum possible resolution and file size.

Info: This type of video management has a decisive advantage: You can exchange videos globally without having to control every single subpage. If you exchange the file in the backend, it will also automatically exchange itself in the entire front end. Of course, this also applies to all other attributes.



The name of the video. This is mainly used for internal purposes and should clearly describe the video for you.

Displays the file name.

Displays the size of the file on the server.

wisy CMS Button Edit Edit Video
wisy CMS Button Delete Delete Video


Create video / Edit video


Video name
Enter the name of the video here. The name is mainly important for internal administration.

Video file
Specify the video file to be uploaded to the server. In order to leave the existing file active during editing, leave the checkbox activated, otherwise enter a new file. The permitted file formats and the permitted file size can be found in the information directly next to it.

preview image
To assign an image to a video that will be displayed before the video starts, you can enter an image here. You must first upload this image in the image library under "Manage Images" and then use the button to the right of the input field to select the image.

Video group
Wählen Sie hier die Videogruppe bzw. die Uploadgruppe aus, in der die Datei hinterlegt wird. Dies ist nur für die interne Verwaltung von Bedeutung.

Start automatically
This allows you to determine whether the video should start automatically or only be started by the user with a click. (please note that on some smartphones, for example, there must always be a click by the user to start the video)

Usable by
Specify here whether other admin users can also use the video, or whether it is only available to you.


Delete video


Confirm the prompt to delete the video or deny to leave the video on the server.

Once the video has been deleted from the server, it will not be available on any page where it was included. The user will be notified of this in the appropriate places.