Manage post text changer entries

If you want to change a spelling e.g. for a product over the entire website, you can do this by entering a change in the text. It is important to understand that this is a search and replace process WITHOUT permanent overwriting. It affects the entire view of the front-end website (content, template, navigation, etc.), but not the backend and is executed via the generated HTML code.

Info: In the fast editor the "original text" can still appear, while the visitor can see the modified version. This feature should be used ONLY in the case of certain brand names and not as a real "editing tool". Otherwise it can become very confusing for the editorial staff.

This function is available in the following packages:

wisy base

wisy advanced

wisy pro

wisy expert




Here you can view, edit and delete the corresponding text change entries.
When deleting, the real values entered for the user are restored.