Manage polls

With the poll module you can create questionnaires (whether over several pages or only from a short question) and make them available to your website visitors for completion. The entries can then be evaluated in different ways, can be output as Excel-compatible documents and much more.

This function is available in the following packages:

wisy base

wisy advanced

wisy pro

wisy expert



Poll overview

The poll name is displayed above the poll on the website.

Is activ
Whether the poll is active depends on several factors. This value is the manually set value that defines whether the survey can currently be filled by visitors or not.

The deadline indicates when the poll is finished.

wisy CMS Button Parts Parts of poll: Here you can manage the pages of the survey as well as questions and answers.

wisy CMS Button Edit Edit poll: Edit the general information about the poll.

wisy CMS Button result Poll results: Here you can view live evaluations of the poll.

wisy CMS Button Delete Delete poll: Delete the poll with all subitems.


Create new poll / Edit poll


The poll name is displayed above the survey on the website. Please enter it here.

Enter a description of the poll. This description is displayed above the poll and should motivate the user to participate in the poll.

Edit vote afterwards
You can use this option to determine whether a user can overwrite his existing values by reconciling them again.

Vote serveral times
This determines whether multiple voting per user is allowed or not. It is important to know that multiple voting cannot be completely suppressed. The user can e.g. bypass all protective measures against multiple voting via proxy servers, the deletion of cookies in the browser and/or dynamic IP addresses with DSL connections.

Test IP adresses
If, for example, you want to prevent multiple votes, there are different procedures to do so. The default procedure is based on the user’s session, which e.g. expires after 30 minutes (depending on server settings) and then no longer provides protection, and is rather a less reliable method of blocking the vote. However, it allows users in the same house (who often use the same IP address) to vote, which would not be the case with IP address checking.

If the IP address check is activated, the possibility of multiple tuning is considerably less, but also prevents the tuning of several users in the same house. (For example, IP addresses can change daily for standard DSL connections, but they are fixed for many users in the corporate environment and therefore cannot be changed).

Show vote results
Select whether and, if so, when a survey participant can view the poll result. This only makes sense if the poll is not too complex and requires little or no manual evaluation.

Before vote:
Users can see the poll result from the beginning.

After vote:
The user cannot see the poll result until he has participated himself.

After deadline:
The user cannot see the poll result until the poll has been completed.

The user cannot view the survey result.

Specify a time at which the poll is automatically terminated and no more visitors can vote. "Never" deactivates the function.

Is active
Specify whether the survey is active or not. For example, you can delay the start or manually interrupt the poll. Only if the poll is activated (and the deadline setting allows it) the poll is fillable.

Usable by
Allows you to define whether the poll is visible to other admin users or not.


Parts of the poll


Each section of a poll is displayed on a new page. For example, you can use it to structure questions in a specific subject area.

The name of the subsection is displayed above the poll questions.

Question count
This value specifies how many questions have been stored for this subsection.

This value indicates whether the subsection is visible or not.

wisy CMS Button Questions Questions of the poll part: Manage the questions of the subsection here.
wisy CMS Button Edit Edit part: Edit the section of the poll.
wisy CMS Button Delete Delete part: Delete the section with all questions and answers.


Questions of the poll part


The displayed question that the user is asked to answer.

Answer count
How many answers have been created for this question so far?

Needed field
Indicates whether this question is mandatory.

Is subquestion
Specifies whether this question should be a subquestion of the previous (or the last previous main question).

Indicates whether the question is displayed or not.

wisy CMS BUtton Answers Answers of the question
wisy CMS Button Edit Edit question
wisy CMS Button Delete Delete question


Create new question / Edit question


Specify the question.

Optionally, specify a description of the question. This is displayed near the question and can describe it in more detail.

Specify where to display this question in this subsection.

Is subquestion
If you want to create a subquestion (in the sense of 1.1), 1.2), etc.), specify this here. This will display this question to the user as a subquestion of the last, previous main question.

(Further nesting is not possible.)

Needed field
Specify whether this question must be completed or not.

Is public result
This allows you to determine whether the result of this question is displayed publicly. This allows you to handle individual questions "privately", even though the survey itself is displayed to the users. (This depends on whether the survey allows a public evaluation at all: see "Show poll results")

Is key answer
The participants’ answer to this question is used to identify this data record during evaluation. If, for example, the survey is not anonymous, you could assign this value to a "What is your first and last name?

Specify whether the question is asked at all or not.


Answers of the poll


The answer to the question.

Answer value
For field types such as Radio(button) and Checkbox, the response value that is transmitted when a user selects this response is displayed here.

Field type
Specifies the type of response. Possible values are: radio, checkbox, text, textarea

Gives you the opportunity to comment on the answer. (e.g. "Other: " + text field).

Specifies whether the response is displayed or not.

wisy CMS Button Edit Edit answers
wisy CMS Button Delete Delete answers


Create new answer / Edit answer


Field type
Please select the field type first. This determines how the user can respond. Possible values are: Radio, checkbox, text, textarea. It is important to select the field type FIRST and then fill in the other values.

Answer label
This can be used to briefly describe the answer. "Would you like to participate? Yes / No".
> Yes" and "No" are the answer labels.

Answer value (only for field types: Radio, Checkbox)
For radio and checkboxes, you define a default response value. It is very important to select this value sensibly for the evaluation. For example, average values can only be determined for numerical values, etc.

"How many houses do you own?" > Three houses" is not calculable, but give as an answer "3" is an average calculable, etc..

Therefore, free text fields are very seldom evaluable, since the user input can vary completely here. ("3", "3 houses", "none at all", "0", "My mother has 3, but I don’t have one") would be in such cases e.g. answers, which the users could enter. Avoid free text fields if you want to perform an average evaluation.)

Gives you the opportunity to comment on the answer. (e.g. "Other: " + text field).

Specifies whether the response is displayed or not.


Delete answers


If you want to delete an answer (and also the corresponding votes / user entries if available), confirm the query. If not, deny it.


Delete question


If you want to delete the question with all its answers (and, if applicable, all the data already entered by users), confirm the confirmation prompt, otherwise deny it.


Delete poll part


Confirm the query to delete the section with all questions and answers or deny it to not delete it.


Poll results


Here you can evaluate the poll or export the poll data.
Poll result as frontend
Poll results per voter
Poll export


Poll results as frontend


Here, the poll result is displayed as it would be displayed directly on the Users page (if you have changed the corresponding poll settings for show vote results accordingly).


Poll result per voter


If you want to display the poll as a questionnaire for each participant, you can display the answers of each participant individually here. In this case, all answers to questions defined as "key questions" will be displayed for unambiguous identification.

Q: What is your firstname? (key answer)
A: Bernd

Q: How old are you?
A: 15

Q: What is your lastname? (key answer)
A: Mustermann

> Dataset is labelled as: "Bernd Mustermann".


Poll export


If you want to evaluate the poll in Excel, you can use this function to export a CSV file with the poll data that you can load into Microsoft Excel, Open Office Calc or a similar spreadsheet program.


Delete poll


Confirm the query to completely delete the survey with all poll results, subsections, questions, and answers, or deny it to not delete the poll.