Latest page content

Represents the latest page entries with links to the entries.



v2.28 (beta) New: Mailing-Receiver-Import: Filtering ... (more)


v2.27 New: Video subtitle editor: Subtitles of ... (more)


v2.26 New: CMS optimization module can now hide ... (more)



Referencing page/s (page_id_n)
Specify from which page(s) content should be referenced.

Referencing part/s (part_n)
Specify which part(s) of the page should be referenced.

Maximum entry number (max_entries)
Specify the maximum number of elements to be read out. The order is based on the change date of the respective element.

Heading type (headline_type)
Specify what you want to show as headings for the elements. Either the heading is used from the respective element or the page name is referenced.

Preview length of the entry (max_chars)
Specify the (maximum) number of letters of the preview element here.

Link type (link_type)
Defines, if the link given when the entry is too long will lead to the page, the page with anchor to the element or the single_con_view.