Recommend page (deprecated, please see note)

A form with which the visitor can send an e-mail to a friend to recommend the site.

Important: According to current law, you can only use this element if you first obtain the express permission of the recipient! Since this is at least difficult to impossible with a free form, this element should only be used on pages which are not subject to German jurisdiction or you run the risk of a wa!636-!NO_SPAM!-636!rn!636-!NO_SPAM!-636!in!636-!NO_SPAM!-636!g.



wisy CMS recommend website
(not functional)



Use this to define which fields you want to query. To do this, simply delete the field name that you do not need.

Mandatory fields
Here you can determine which fields of the previously selected fields should be marked as mandatory fields. This means which fields have to be filled in in order to send the form.

Default values
With the default values, you can prefill all fields. For example, if you would like to have an e-mail sent specifically for a particular use, you can enter something like "Login" here and suggest this to the user as the subject.