Address search

The address search can be used to search for nearby addresses based on the postal code. The addresses are maintained via the address module in the adminarea of wisy.



Please enter your postcode. (e.g. 76228)



Address list/s (ag_ids):
Select one or more address lists to make only certain addresses searchable or specify -1 to search all address lists.

Minimum number of search results (show_at_least):
The search continues until at least the number of addresses specified here has been found. The search process is carried out as follows:
1.) The user enters a postal code. (Example: 76646).
2.) The algorithm now searches for this postal code in the address list. If it does not find enough addresses to fulfill the minimum number, the algorithm truncates the last number of the input.
3.) Now the system searches again for the abbreviated postal code. (Example: 7664)

This is repeated until the minimum number is reached or the number can no longer be reduced.
If no obvious entry is found, all entries are output.

Simple search algorithm (simple_mode):
By activating the simple mode, the search algorithm no longer behaves so intelligently and simply searches for the first number entered.