Change Log:

Here you can track the latest changes and adjustments in wisy CMS and view news.


v2.25 (beta)

  • New: Conditional display for custom form fields can now also be specified with “>=“ or “<=“. (there is not only “smaller“ or “larger“)
  • New: Full text search can now also search forum posts and can be set to turn products, PDFs and forum search on or off.
  • New: Full text search can now be limited to certain pages
  • New: Special element: Reload after time added
  • New: Bounce mail evaluation: If a bounce mail with IMAP data is stored in the settings, wisy tries to assign corresponding bounce mails to a newsletter recipient and outputs this information.
  • New: FE upload users can now also share from these folders if FE upload group folders are used.
  • Fixed: If an Ajax file was called in the Adminarea, it may have caused the frontend standard language to adapt to the Adminarea language.
  • Fixed: Adminarea language and FrontEnd language separation can lead to update problem
  • Fixed: FE upload users can now only upload to the group folders or their own folder, not to the main folder, even when using groups.


  • New: Payments are now possible via and thus many different payment options. (e.g. Klarna, SEPA, GiroPay, PayDirekt, etc. in addition to the already possible Amazon Pay, PayPal and the depricated Sofortueberweisung)
  • New: Better interpretation of visitor path statistics.
  • Fixed: Visual Editor can now also handle additional block layouts.
  • Fixed: Several improvements regarding <p> processing in the source code.


  • New: If a user can only make release requests, an existing, displayed element can now only be duplicated, no longer edited. Invisible elements can be edited. If it is set that new elements are invisible by default, the user can then edit them. When releasing, the user with publication rights can have the change to the duplicated element transferred to the "original" element by clicking the button
  • New: New "FastEdit" mode "Visual" enables editing with displayed HTML markups.
  • New: New special element for inline display of Office documents.
  • New: For language-specific upload groups, the default language is now used if the selected admin user language for the element is not filled in.
  • Changed: Front-end user activity overview extended
  • Fixed: FastEdit Visual Mode: External link wizard loses selection after window prompt


  • New: You can now specify your own post admin scripts so that you can instruct your own script-controlled actions after calling up a page or submitting a form as admin in the admin area.
  • New: Option to send "text only" mails via newsletter.
  • New/Changed: Standard naming for CSS variables introduced


  • New: Custom Form fields can now be displayed and clicked through individually (parameter: show_field_isolated=1.
  • New: Downloads in the forum can now also be "confirmed". This means that users can "approve" the download and this is tracked with the user name and time
  • New: New special element: Secure PDF display via internal PDF viewer.
  • New: New special element: QR code image with specification of a string and a QR code as output.
  • New: FE upload special element: Group folders and user-only folders can now be switched on.
  • New: FE upload special element: Move files and folders to other folders using drag & drop